Crazy news stories involving crazy people who just may make your Tuesday at work seem not so bad after all:
Airport stops women with human remains in suitcase: The headline says it all- except the part where airport security allowed the women to board the plane with the skull and bones found in the suitcase. Apparently the 11 year old remains of the man inside were being taken to their final resting place in Italy. Isn't that what cremation is for?
Cops: Wife handcuffs husband so they can talk: 37-year-old Helen Sun was charged with third-degree assault, disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment and unlawful restraint. Why? because she handcuffed herself to her husband while he slept so she could talk to him without him walking away. Guys- next time you think your girlfriend is crazy, be happy you're not waking up with your bedroom doors locks changed, chained to the crazy girl. Helen Sun-Thank you for making 80% of the girls in NYC look completely sane.
Work on apartment, get free funeral: A NYC funeral director is offering a free funeral to the person who fixes up his apartment. I get that economic times are hard but this this "deal to die for" is weird. The again- it's an ad on craigslist- noteworthy? sure...but I've come across weirder.
Hope you found those articles a little entertaining-now get back to work!
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