Here are a few questions that some readers were curious about, and As good as its guests was wondering as well. What really is going on with the most famous couple on facebook. It definitely was a newsfeed pop-up that got offices talking!
As good as its guests : Are you two really no longer an item?
Justin Ross Lee: Emails have been flooding my inbox asking me why the Rabbi’s Daughter and I ‘broke it off’ instead of ‘breaking the glass’. I’ve cited the reason for separation as irreconcilable differences do to Mark Zuckerberg’s creation. Did facebook end my relationship? Sometimes I had the feeling that if my iPhone ‘dinged’ with another facebook Mobile message the RD would grab it out of my hand and throw it into a large bowl of broth along with my Matzo Balls. She put up with a lot of my shtick. A great example of this would be my behavior documented in the facebook video “Jews on a Cruise”. She also dealt with my frequent traveling, photos with other women, and all the controversy that surrounds me. I commend her for it.
AGAIG: What the hell happened with you two in Ireland?
JRL: We broke up at the Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin, and then again at 38,000 feet “JewJetting” in our "Fuck You" seats over the Atlantic heading back to the States. It got pretty loud at cruising altitude. Even one of the dusty flight attendants tried to intervene to which I insisted if she were going to take any sides, it should be on the basis of whom has more preferred miles with the airline. She refilled my drink. I was quite upset about the relationship's final decent into the New York area. It's not easy Sitting Shiva over the Rabbi's Daughter. The RD was just the greatest girl and a truly beautiful person.
AGAIG:Why the break up with the RD?
JRL:RD and I just had a different 5 year plan and mine was not fair to her. In 5 years time she’d like to be married with children. In 5 years time I’d like to be dating a woman who’s married with children.
Justin Ross Lee: Emails have been flooding my inbox asking me why the Rabbi’s Daughter and I ‘broke it off’ instead of ‘breaking the glass’. I’ve cited the reason for separation as irreconcilable differences do to Mark Zuckerberg’s creation. Did facebook end my relationship? Sometimes I had the feeling that if my iPhone ‘dinged’ with another facebook Mobile message the RD would grab it out of my hand and throw it into a large bowl of broth along with my Matzo Balls. She put up with a lot of my shtick. A great example of this would be my behavior documented in the facebook video “Jews on a Cruise”. She also dealt with my frequent traveling, photos with other women, and all the controversy that surrounds me. I commend her for it.
AGAIG: What the hell happened with you two in Ireland?
JRL: We broke up at the Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin, and then again at 38,000 feet “JewJetting” in our "Fuck You" seats over the Atlantic heading back to the States. It got pretty loud at cruising altitude. Even one of the dusty flight attendants tried to intervene to which I insisted if she were going to take any sides, it should be on the basis of whom has more preferred miles with the airline. She refilled my drink. I was quite upset about the relationship's final decent into the New York area. It's not easy Sitting Shiva over the Rabbi's Daughter. The RD was just the greatest girl and a truly beautiful person.
AGAIG:Why the break up with the RD?
JRL:RD and I just had a different 5 year plan and mine was not fair to her. In 5 years time she’d like to be married with children. In 5 years time I’d like to be dating a woman who’s married with children.

JRL:What most people didn’t know is that we lived together. She actually moved in to my apartment on our second date. We have kept in touch via phone/ text/ Jewish telepathy. But the one thing she hasn’t done is facebook messaged me….As far as any reconciliation Rosh Hashanah is still a schlep away. For now I can be seen wearing my “Shiksas are for Practice t-shirt”
AGAIG:Any ladies in line for the new title of the gf of the "Jewface of Facebook" ?
JRL: In Manhattan, Girlfriend’s are to Co-Op as Dating is to Renting. In today’s economy it is best to remain in a cash position. It just pays to rent.
*Note: One of our readers recently saw Justin popping bottles at Citrine with his former girlfriend from Paris, Adelheid (Heidi) Waumboldt.
AGAIG: Details on the reality show...will it be a male version of The City?JRL: I’m working with a great production company and have signed a confidentiality clause which prohibits me from disclosing details, but I can say this: No reality show is real. There are scripts, reshoots and exaggerated expressions in every show in the market right now. Shows like “The City” appeal to people who haven’t left Oshkosh B Gosh having never experienced the life for themselves. If my show were to air in their market, they wouldn’t catch one of my jokes unless they reached up over their heads and stabbed my verbal kreplach with a pitchfork. If anyone outside our the Continental Bermuda triangle of NY, LA, and Miami are getting my jokes I’ll retire my mezuzah, fly COACH to Juneau and knock up another Palin daughter. The show is bound to be far more intelligent than anything branded “Reality”. I prefer to call it what it is: Unscripted.

AGAIG: Any other projects on the horizon?
JRL: I actually just turned one down an offer. VH1 approached me to be on a show called “Trophy Wife”. They wanted to fly me out to LA, where I’d live in a house and compete for the affection of some pinup girl who I’ve never heard of named Megan Hauserman. Before completely vetoing the idea, I showed the 60 page ironclad Viacom contract to my attorney contained excerpts such as “I acknowledge and understand that Producer will not be testing the bachelorette for any sexually transmitted diseases, mental illness, or any other disease or illnesses whatsoever.” My lawyer laughed out loud in his office at some of the terms wondering who in their right mind would sign something like this.
One project I am pleased to be involved with is a movie called “Trophy Kids” -a YaSu Media feature length film that is currently in preproduction.
AGAIG: What have you been doing since the break up?
JRL: Believe it or not, I’ve been working. Like most I feel underpaid, overworked and my boss is a tremendous prick. The difference is I work for myself. So to the person who sent that anonymous email about my facebook page that got that got me fired from my last job, thank you and stay tuned.
Before he had to go, he explained his upcoming date for the evening as such:
i mean, do trust- i'll be getting my workout... but it's like cheating on a chess match with a geriatric patient ( referencing how intelligent his date was)
Love Always, (At least you can depend on us)
As good as its guests
OMFG. The greatest I've ever read! Dying right now!
Maybe Justin and Jessica will date...I saw on facebook that Marquez is now single
He actually didn't come off like a huge prick for once. Well maybe a little...
I want to have a "date" with the RD and the bloggers, thanks JRL for making it possible idiot
RD was hot. Who do you think is next on Rico Suave hit list? The bloggers?!
Dude is a riot. Quotes are so priceless.
"Shows like “The City” appeal to people who haven’t left Oshkosh B Gosh having never experienced the life for themselves. If my show were to air in their market, they wouldn’t catch one of my jokes unless they reached up over their heads and stabbed my verbal kreplach with a pitchfork. If anyone outside our the Continental Bermuda triangle of NY, LA, and Miami are getting my jokes I’ll retire my mezuzah, fly COACH to Juneau and knock up another Palin daughter. The show is bound to be far more intelligent than anything branded “Reality”. I prefer to call it what it is: Unscripted."
Bravo Mr. Lee! Can't wait.
He is the BEST. Jewish, articulate and totally full of shit... in a good way. I laughed out loud more than once and then sent the link to all my co-workers. Brilliant.
I'm glad february is the month of break ups, new york is going to be a lot better with girls like this single
Girls, you know "in lieu of" means "instead of," right? Ugh.
Justin makes it sound like he is cool with the breakup, but we all know how this little bitch really feels about it.
Let me paint you all a picture of the sad reality that is JRL...
After he's done parading around the city, showing off how much money he "has," he goes back to his lonely apartment where he pulls out a picture of RD. He then proceeds to tighten a leather belt around his neck and shove a shampoo bottle up his gaping asshole. Once the bottle is completely inside of him he begins to jerk off as tears stream down his funny looking jew face.
Hey Justin... How's that for your next Yiddle production???
Oh and if you are interested in making a reality show, I would be more than happy to help you out. We can call it "From JewJetting to Welfare." Just some food for thought you penniless douche bag.
Please tell me you heard of "In lieu of recent events"
Google it buddy
Ali is one of the greatest girls I know and JLee NEVER deserved her in the first place! Not only is she gorgeous, but she is an amazing person. The next guy who wins Ali’s heart will be very lucky. Maybe people will soon realize what a disgusting human being JLee really is, inside and out.
That picture you painted seems pretty graphic. But alas there is one fatal flaw, I highly doubt that JRL has been going home alone as of late. Newly singe, out every night. No fucking way!
I saw him at Citrine with that piece of ass from Paris. Trust that the last thing on his mind was RD!
I bet JRL is just loving this right now.
How could you possibly know how much schekles someone has. Perhaps it's his parents??
The only thing JRL likes more than his fans, are his haters. It's you that make him popular. Negativity fuels all interest.
Perhaps he should have a haters appreciation day where he pops bottles all over your face simulating "Jew Juice". Would that satisfy your male crush then?
Jealousy is a pathetic emotion.
Team Justin.
I think he still loves RD. He was pretty nice in the interview. Or do you think that was strategy?
poor Jordan needs to get laid...
Saw the RD at 1Oak once. Pretty but looked a bit standoffish. JRL was approachable and seemed like he was loving life.
Jordan AKA RD?...
Anonymous for you to sit here, think about was JRL does, and type angry paragraphs on the internet about it shows what a pathetic human being you are. Everyone who read your post can agree to that.
They broke up? She was so hot! He really is a douch bag.
Anyone who possibly doesn't like this guy has issues with themselves or absolutely no sense of humor.
Some jealous and angry people make me laugh!
This guy JRL is waaaaaaaaaaaaay to in love with himself it's disgusting. This world would be a better place if we directed all the time and energy spent here towards helping the one's who need it!!!
to JRL..
you're jokes would be funny if you removed you're pompous, over-inflated head from you're ass.. but the thing is so darn big that i suggest you use something extra lubricated to get it out.
my suggestion? astroglide might do the trick, in fact while you're up there getting you're head out of your ass, try and find your're dick, which i presume is logged far up there too. As for the RD- i'd say she got out at a great time- astroglide has a pretty funky smell. not to mention the girl is so much better than you're even capable of being and absolutely gorgeous.
I'm glad that you're looking for someone married with kids- the only thing you could get of this sort is someone named sue-ellen who mistakingly married a homeless man and is carrying an illegitimate child from her brother bob. you're future is looking great!
Yours truly,
I feel that Justin was very respectful of the RD in this interview. As far as their relationship from and outsider's POV may have seemed otherwise. But if Aly is like most girls he made her laugh and thats what won her heart.
The greatest character online. I show his videos to my office and everyone's impression is that WE NEED TO MEET HIM. He's a lot of fun. And we all know, even the "haters" who stalk and speak of him and his fab lifestyle with disgusting graphic anonymous angst (that JRL probably loves) he's on to something here or we wouldn't be writing about him.
Agreed 100% Respectful. He could have have slaughtered the RD in the interview (which may have been hysterical), but he took the high ground. Read it again, idiots.
you're vile.
Which girl did JRL steal from you?
Or are you an RD loyalist (friend) who can't stand the fact that he probably just outgrew her?
Saw him at pink with a new tall blonde... no one from his pictures. beautiful girl. i will miss the RD though.
I would like all of your full names and dates of birth. And SS numbers if available. Thanks.
P.S. Justin has really hairy arms.
A lot of these comments have the same tone to them, I'm guessing they're from the same person.
I think it's funny that Justin is Facebook famous. I suppose also famous amongst their NYC promoter seen because in all of his outing pics it seems he's at their tables and with their crews.
He seems nice enough and he's got a sense of humor. Don't see what the big deal is on either end of the love/hate spectrum. There are plenty of of other self absorbed people with a sense of humor that don't garner so much attention. I suppose he just puts himself out there way more then most people do. Which is good in some ways, people who have never been to the city or the other places he's been to, or wonder what that type of live is can live vicariously though him.
I just hope people trying to ruin his day with the name calling and the nastiness realize, he's way too into himself to care about what you have to say.
Leave my friend alone. This article is on Justin so comment on him, not Ali. Keep the good comments and bad ones to yourselves.
I'm sure it makes his day.
JRL is God's gift to the world. Obviously.
Love you JRL - wish you would look up and see me stalking you all day! I have already planned our future together. I have pictures of you from facebook printed out and put up all over the walls of my home, my office...and when people ask me who it is I say nonchalantly "my fiance."
I hope we are together forever JRL!
sigh. the fact that this nobody spoiled daddy's trust funder has almost - we will ultimately see - actually made some sort of name for himself proves two things: (1) he deserves a lot more credit than he's been given for capitalizing on the fact that there are enough retards who actually find him funny (witty he definitely ain't - more like a clown draped in gucci -no offense, persians) and worship him for being loud and douchey in public - that's called being an opportunist (us jews are pretty thrifty) - and you cannot hate on him for being smart; and (2) he might actually generate some sort of income from all of this, and once again prove that the heidi and spencer movement is still alive and kickin, continuously fed by the admiration of people who actually find that kind low brow voyeurism entertaining...
But like i said, we shall see if this "unscripted" show (reality shows are all scripted in part (except COPS), or they would never air because they would not be entertaining, but i'm sure he won't need that) actually makes it to the big leagues, or just sits on some channel no one's ever heard of
So let the guy have his shot - let him prove to us that he's a true capitalist - are you a capitalist, justin? Or is this whole thing gonna be a huge disappointment?
Good luck, Friar Tuck.
I like the dude and is a nice guy but the whole Jew this and Jew that is fucking annoying, is like listening to a black comedian like Dave Chapelle highlighting his blackness....SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY, WE KNOW YOU'RE A JEW BRO!
It's his "shtick" and his "you know you're a redneck when ____" kind of thing. If you're Jewish, you wouldn't be annoyed. We're very proud people.
I want another video. Jews on a Cruise- by far the best.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to park the car" Haha.
He's a douchebag who bores me with all the unnecessary Jew-this or that comments. All you're doing is building anti-Semitism, Justin. Shame on you.
Scroll to bottom - I wonder if any of these will be on the TV Show! (Or maybe we should just wait until the internet leak)
why was the post from "former best friend" removed? okay maybe he shouldn't have given out the phone #'s, but there was a nice amount of very interesting information regarding justin lee's potential drug addiction and bizarre sexual confusion. this guy now sounds like a total druggie bisexual freak - this is a whole different ballgame from "bad press" - whatever idiot says "there's no such thing a bad press" needs to remove his/her head from his/her ass and realize that when trying to base a career on one thing, and then having certain sketchy facts arise that are just plain disturbing, then said career is in jeopardy and weird bisexual druggie loses his "brand" - game over).
So, my point is that posting was more credible than many other ones - if it's some psycho who's really got it in for Lee, or if there is truth to it all - I think that, as a public audience, we should know the deal - As much as I really want to see/hear more about this guy's boring antics/nouveau riche "satire" - we should be aware of exactly who he is
(please don't give us his personal contact info - because that's just reckless)
So, who are you really, Mr./Ms. Lee?
I partied with JRL at Pink E in NY, and he seemed too busy drinking to give a fuck about anything else around him other than the women. He's all about the groupie pussy.
He's got some great 1 liners but what will this reality show be about?
haha - i hope you were partying at "pink e" 3 years ago, when it was still sorta cool, cause lately it's gotten gheeetttooooooo (the last stage of a club's existence before doors shut)
but i'm sure the promoter's table was poppin that night!! (wall/ceiling banging - blowout shining in the disco light baby!!)
His media campaign is dead in the water. His hype machine has been, at best, a huge failure - in terms of $$. I have nothing against this fellow Scarsdalian, but I'm definitely disappointed, as a Scarsdalian, in his business model. Maybe some day I'll eat my words, but maybe he should just start a teen tour company, where no one can be sent home for biting.
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