Well I came across a young fellow named "Justin Ross Lee."

He's seems to be taking exclusive trips, spending money at clubs as if Lehman was still in Business, and the status messages are hilarious.
"Justin Ross Lee is taking Rabbi’s Daughter Ali on an airboat in ‘Alligator Alley’ through the Everglades today w/ her swinging a Croc Chanel while I rock Gator loafers."6 hours ago
Let his profile keep you entertained while sitting in the office, and let me know what ya think.
I came across him online, and the only thing more hysterical than his picture album captions are his videos! This is one character.
and he really does exist! i have been in his car before...its a 1993 camry
he's not funny at all! he's pathetic and the "friends" that validate his cringe worthy comments and updates are even worse!! this guy is a nobody...
While I can't say I have managed to do 160mph on the LIE to the Hamptons, without people like him those pathetic little wimps who don't find him funny and entertaining wouldn't have anything to say at all! Way to go Justin Ross Lee!
Anyone who takes the time out to call another person "pathetic" or "a nobody" thinks that of themselves (trust me). I've been keeping up with this guy and I have never seen him use his energy to make another person feel poorly about themselves... people make themselves feel poorly by comparing their own lives to how "richly" he is living his... I say, keep at it Justin! You are what life should be all about: singing to your own tune, having fun, spreading laughter, living large, and not giving a f*ck what all of the jealous and bitter haters think of you! Cheers to all...and happy holidays.
He's pretty awful. He stands for all that is wrong the men men in NY today. He is completely cocky and condescending...an elitist, with nothing to back it up. He also has a horrendous case of name dropping) turrets. Ugh...tacky.
No-actually he drives an Audi while listening to techno music. DUH
To clarify, and no, this is NOT JRL... it's actually one of his good friends: (1) He's not a "nobody," you are for judging other people from the safety of your computer (an Acer no doubt) and (2) he doesn't drive a Camry, he drives and Audi S4 when his Range Rover is being washed and/or his Porsche is at his house in the Hamptons. Oh, and yes, his videos are absolutely f*cking hilarious. I should know, I've lived many of the experiences you so enjoy watching on his page.
To clarify, and no, this is not JRL... I'm one his closest friends: (1) Justin is NOT a "nobody". You are, for judging people from the safety of your computer (no doubt an 80s era Acer) and (2) he doesn't drive a Camry, he drives an Audi S4... that is, when his Range Rover's being washed and/or his Porsche is out at his house in the Hamptons. Oh, and yes, his videos are f*cking hilarious. I should know, I've lived many of the actual experiences you so enjoy in the videos on his page. Happy Holidays... BZ
Buy Your New Years Eve tickets from your favorite blogger....
what a toolbag! i'm in shock! however...i suppose if you live in hartford he seems impressive...
i just threw up in my mouth a little bit. he's seriously repulsive.
Nikki...Your Just mad because he banged you and dropped you. It's OK, you'll get over it.
whatever happened with people having a sense of humor? seriously!!! justin is absolutely hilarious!!! and not only that... he has a heart of gold when you become his friend...we love you JRL!!!!
the guy has a terribly artificial life, no real accomplishments and can't hold a job. he showers in materialism and attention from idiotic soulless chicks in order to feel special. plus he's soooo ugly.
Honestly... I've partied with Justin in Hartford and the Hamptons, and while he puts on a fantastic show with his wit and humor, the truth is that he's never done an honest day's work in his life and lives off daddy's money. And no, this isn't jealousy as I myself come from money but chose to make a career for myself instead of hitting up the Bank of Dad every time I get bottle service at Pink Elephant. Yes, his facebook is hilarious - the videos, the captions, but this kid is nothing more than an empty, insecure child hidden underneath an expensive custom suit that his parents paid for.
I kind of have mixed feelings. I mean . . . the guy went to Hartford University for undergrad and MBA (i think?) and thinks he's a baller. :) :) :) He's obviously obnoxious but since I don't know him, I am not sure if it's a facade to garner attention or if it's real . . . and honestly, I am not sure which one is worse.
On the otherhand, he does possess humor as well as style. Most men dress like sh-t in this city. He also does have some hotties who legitimately wall post him. The celeb photos don't impress me. You'll notice that you don't see the same celebrities in lots of different photos in different places. So it's not like he's really buddy buddy with any of them . . . just a fawning clubgoer with a camera in hand.
Hey . . . bottom line is . . . he seems to be helping the airline industry try stay in the black. He's a model citizen.
Oh GOD, he lived in Hartford? No wonder! It's the "I'm a big fish in a tiny, polluted pond" complex. And, Vegas and Puerto Rico aren't exactly vacations for the well-traveled. I suppose St. Tropez would reject him and Gstadt would regurgitate him like bad chinese food, so i guess that's why he has to dine at places like Tao in Vegas.
If you know anyone else that is blog worthy please email us at asgoodasitsguests@gmail.com!
Also, keep sending us tips and suggestions!!
to Anonymous... i think you meant to say "YOU'RE" just mad. nothing worse than a misspelled jab! kinda lessens the sting.
I went to high school with him, he is actually a good kid, hysterical.
To "Anonymous"... think you meant to say "YOU'RE" just mad, rather than "YOUR" just mad. nothing takes the sting out of a snarky jab faster than poor use of grammar.
To Anonymous... i think you meant to say "You're" just mad rather than "Your" just mad...
oh anonymous... dont you know that nothing takes the sting out of a jab faster than misuse of the english language??
The kid is a joke....he is broke and thinks he is the man..he goes to clubs free with a promoter..not impressed...get a job loser...also he couldnt dress more takcy if he tried...by the way the spray tan isnt working for him to well...
Everybody in NYC knows that Justin Lee is the biggest cooze-hound in town.
Yet, I find him to be very witty and entertaining. From what I have heard, he has been in recent talks with SNL to join the writing staff. I think he would be a great addition to the team.
I think he's from New York, but went to school in Hartford for Undergrad/Master's. Where his funding or sense of humor comes from is pure speculation, but it's non-stop entertainment at my work. Seems like this guy can poke fun at himself, doesn't take things too seriously and LOVES the attention (especially the negative hating kind).
Perhaps his tan is real... He is on va-ca twice a month while I'm stuck in an office in Manhattan.
I've seen him out. He's hot and constantly surrounded by women.
The videos are just TOO much. Can't get enough. When is the next one?!
he's hot??? Come on! i was going to say give the poor guy a break but "hot" he is not!
Justin... at least now we all know who Anonymous is!!
haha are you people serious?, the only thing i can confirm as awful is the way justin drives, god awful... let me know if you ever come slumming in hartford again. I love the comments.
"He stands for all that is wrong the men men in NY today."
is that an insult?
listen barwhore let us know when your done studying the profile.
see you at 960... someday.
He doesn't drive an S4 he drives an A4 that he has tried to make look like an S4. He's still hilarious though. He should really be driving a "F*ck You" Ferrari or something. Seriously, I mean the guy's dad probably invented the stand up MRI or something.
i think the key here is that people are laughing AT him. not WITH him...
so yes he is funny. to laugh at.
I've met JRL on several occasions and while he gives off a public impression of being an affluent member of society, he really doesn't have a penny to his name and is completely cheap. It's certainly not impressive to live off daddy's money nor is it impressive to get fired and not pursue any gainful employment for months. As a pretty philanthropic business owner, the idea of having a "fuck you" attitude is absolutely repulsive and certainly not desirable in a friend. That being said, he is thoroughly entertaining in a "laughing at him sort of way" and his commentary is spot on. I only wish him the best in terms of continuing to provide mindless entertainment to the masses.
Honestly guys, i think you should stop making fun of Justin. Look at his photos, there's obviously something wrong with him.
All this commentary and attention sounds EXACTLY like what he wants. A bunch of idiots falling right into his trap and talking about him. Oh and watch his videos and you'll see: it is an S4.
ohhhh myyyy! IF you people only knew!!! what you see is DEF what you get...a very obnoxious super jew...he's not a fraud! the cars, the money, the places...that's his life! And I'm sorry but anyone who loves to live life would like to have it his way...he is loving all of this attention... That's what he lives for!...to get a rise out of people...and once again, he did it!! Gotta love him!!!
WE ARE GETTING MARRIED=) Funiest person alive<3!!!
Madame Xstein? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? your pathetic, seriously get out of here!! Justin Ross Lee is a god=) He keeps me laughing... LOVE HIM=) " JUSTIN IS A REAL MAN AND SAYS WHATS ON HIS MIND " hes not like every other "dude" who are scared shitless of telling whats on there mind...
It seems to me, But that anyone who takes the time to follow his 'shtick' falls under the category of being one of the thousands of 'Justin Ross Lee fans' on facebook. No matter your opinion, he's inspired people to not only talk but also take time out of their day to even blog about him. Anyone really know this guy, or met him outside of a social networking site?
if you only know him via net....you're missing out! in person he's waaaay funnier than any video or pic. luv him! :)
Hartford has an MBA program? Does it train you to work at McDonalds? Because that is the intelligence level of anyone that has to attend the esteemed University of Hartford. I'm shocked this kids parents couldnt at least get him into a respectable dumb kid school like Indiana. Sad.
haha im laughing out loud. hes such a generic typical long island new york jewish loser who tries so hardd. i regret even taking the time to write this.. that i am actally embarrassed for myself.. but more for him.. even more for you for writing an article on an aspiring wannabe.. i know the kid personally. hes nice but cmon .. is that who your seriously writing about?
There are over 40 comments on this one blog alone. The guy is pretty funny, and the blogger obviously thought so. The other posts are pretty cool as well, I want them to write about more everyday people though.
I met Justin on a cruise back in January of 2006. We were in the Mexican Riviera and him and I lead a "champagne campaign" every evening in the night club located on board. They didn't have anything superior to Moet White Star or Veuve, and Justin was able to have 10-15 bottles of Dom P delivered from the dining room each evening.
i think hes awsome ...his videos are hilariousss people should stop hatinggg!!!
all of justin's supporters need to go back to school and get a handle on the english language...
there and their are 2 different words as are your and you're.
what makes you think he aspires to be anything? that you're writing anything at all proves he's piqued your interest. did anyone ever contribute space on a blog to talk about you? no, because you're a dirty whore.
I too know him personally from high school: Prep school in New Hampshire. If you actually KNEW him, you'd know that he's not from Long Island, but from Scarsdale. He doesn't take his facebook persona seriously but his comments are all jokes. From what I remember he is "that guy" that can talk his way into anything while you're still outside drinking sipping on hatorade.
Although i do understand why so many people dislike him, i can also understand why so many people love him. He is the stereotypical wealthy jew from long island, ny. However, despite his tacky wardrobe and his "fuck you" attitude that understandably one can find absolutely obnoxious and repulsive, he has made himself into something. Granted, his father's money has helped him to more or less afford the more luxurious things in life, it still doesn't justify why anyone would ever start a blog AND/OR comment on a blog if the person wasn't important to them in some way or another? Being a smartass will get you very far in life because this is America, people are easily influenced. If snagging photo's of his 1st class airline meals is his ticket to stardom (even if it's the internet kind) ...so be it. His "celebrity" status on facebook does not come because of daddy's money, it comes from his "fuck you" attitude, that has gotten him where is he now - a place that most of you wish you were in.
Blogger As Good As It's Guests said...
We still want to know, who are you Justin Ross Lee?
We still don't know much about him but we do know that he is the "critically acclaimed Jewface of facebook". If that's not something to be proud of, I don't know what is. Asgoodasitsguests.com wants to know who you think is watch-worthy in NYC. E-mail suggestions and tips to asgoodasitsguests@gmail.com
its a late model camry with leather and audi badges on it!
I would like to see him expose his softer side, perhaps a goodwill trip to india, or africa?
Well Everyone seems to have their certain opinions about Justin but what I dont understand is why? Yes he may be obnoxious and possibly alot of the other things individuals have said about him on here, But thats just who he is. Why people feel the need to comment on how he lives his life, How he gets his money or doesnt for that matter really is not anyone else's bussiness but his own. I am taking time to write this not because Im an adoring fan of his facebook page, but because I have known him for a good amount of time now.. I may not party with him every night in NYC or jet set with him across the world .. But people need to realize that judging People you dont know, Have never met or even spoken to based on purely their pictures, status updates and ect. is exactly whats wrong with this world. Justin is who he is and is very happy with himself regardless if someone writes a nasty comment about him or praise him for the things he does. The saddest thing is he most likly sits here and laughs over some of these comments and brushes it off and can you blame him? Its a classic case of people hating on something they wish they were.. and if thats not your case than your just hating because you have nothing better else to do and that my friends is a sad story ... Im not rushing to Justin's defense because he does not need it, he can handle that all on his own but if most of you think your better than him prove it instead of blogging behind a computer screen .. You accuse him of being sort of an attention whore and all these other things but the funny thing really is, is that we are all "Justin's" at some point in our lives and maybe he does it to the extreme but it is really no different. Being quick to judge someone about who you think they are show's you for your true colors not the person under
scrutiny ...
i was his senior year boarding school roommate... he had a leopard print duvet but still managed to get laid more than me (wtf)... maybe it was the golf cart with pimped out rims.
everyone's got their shit. justin is a fun guy to be around
look at how many comments Justin has received..whether positive or negative the attention is outstanding! Remember bad press is better than no press people! Being a good friend of Justin's i'd just like to say your fucking amazing I love you and we party hard and love to look fine. All you people wish you could party with us...and for the little lady that vomited in your mouth...he's just not that into you but bulemia is not the answer!
Stay hot, have fun, learn to love yourself like we do...nobody can do it like we dooo.
xoxo Athena
How about more "fuck you" trips to Vegas, Miami, LA, London, Paris etc. That's what he's good at. Save the philanthropy for Greenpeace.
whoever the asshole was who stated something obnoxious about the university of hartford- go screw yourself. you clearly are very much unaware about anything such as schools, for example, and you sound extremely ignorant because you're just that dumb. what are YOU doing with your life now? sweeping the floors at mcdonalds?- since you happen to know their intelligence level so well...
okay people get over it. he drives an audi (so what?), he comes from money (once again, so what?), he lives a great life and he's hysterical. all facts. move on. stop trying to make up lies- it shows your jealousy.
I've met him a few times and I rather enjoyed his company. He's pretty charming and not at all as pretentious as you might think by looking at his life through the narrow window of a Facebook page.
Hartford or Harvard, the point is he has an MBA, travel sophistication and a way with words. Uneducated he is not.
Writing this blog is bitter sweet. I hate blogging, but when I saw who it was about I couldn’t resist. Post graduation in May some of my best friends and I were fortunate enough to be sent on the trip of a lifetime by out parents. We spent 6 weeks living in London, while exploring a new country every weekend, finishing up with 10 days in the Greek islands.
This is all seems to be nothing out of the ordinary for Justin at any given moment. While we were spending some time in Paris a student at AUP took us to a walking bridge overlooking every breath-taking site you can imagine. There I met Justin, bearing a gigantic watch and a jack Russell named "Jack".
We drank together in this bridge and I witnessed reality television gold first hand. I have to admit, I was so intrigued by this character that is the perfect specimen for Ben Stiller’s next role that I needed more, and he has provided me with that through face book. It is pure entertainment.
We almost met up at a club I was promoting in Tampa at a later date also. He is a kind person, who is only looking to have a good time. He never seemed to raise his nose to anyone, and always is very positive. I can’t fathom the money that he spends regardless of who his parents are. My parents have money but they would never allow me to have that much fun with it.
At the same time Justin, keep going. Anyone who has a problem with it is weird, you’re not hurting anyone. The only question I am curious to know the answer to is how you find people to go on these amazing journeys with you, and how it doesn’t loose its magic and not become just another day. Everyone else seems to have a schedule that doesn’t fit in with your anywhere anytime lifestyle. Even celebrities.
Don’t stop until you get enough, It all seems justified (feel free to use that with your friends)
this post may very well have been commissioned by justin himself
The truth of the matter is that most people are interested in how the good life is. 99.9% of people have never been in a Ferrari or chartered a yacht in the British West Insides like Justin has shown in his photos. Yet, most people are curious about this "imaginary world," which contributes to the popularity of such shows such as Entourage and The OC.
His haircut is what we all had in 8th grade.
Hey Uncle Jay, you are missing a comma... Hypocrite!
Come on, people... please stop correcting grammer as a means of insult or authority. We are trying to convey messages about a silly topic. Lighten up!
Hes MY LITTLE BROTHER- and yes hes a bit of an ass- but he IS hysterical- so lets leave it at that...and to all the "haters" out there- dont you have something BETTER to write about?? Pleaseeee.
Heres the deal on this J. Lee character...
First, regardless of your relationship with this guy, he's a bit of a douche. He suffers from a bit of false reality. I truly believe that he somehow is trying to live his life in parallel to Christian Bale's character in American Psycho. It may be hard to believe, but im positive that this movie has greatly affected his life. His videos are funny if you like somebody acting super obnoxious to people who are at a "lower" class then himself. In one of his videos, he fucked with some deaf guy. It wasn't funny, and I considered it very crude. The bottom line is that the kid had no friends in college(most people felt bad for him), and his friends now like him for his money. You think his girlfriend would even look twice at him if he wasnt flying her to Paris every other week. No female can actually look at this nerd and think he's actually good looking. His smile has made me vomit on several occasions. He's also a disgrace to Jews everywhere. Theres a really good chance that I knock his teeth out before I turn 30.
I went to college with him. He was a huge loser.
When I met him the first time he was actually very quiet and quite humble from first impression. Until he insisted I take his business card with the letter J emblem..and thats about all that was on it....priceless! Justin's page manages to make me laugh quite often at times with him, and at times at him. In all fairness he is very entertaining. All the blogs prior to this one I'm writing is everyone's way of giving back some entertainment. So JRL I hope you find this as entertaining as we your page, sit back and say "Hi Hater" Epitome of Hilarity... <3 the camry lol
Jesus people ( Jesus was a Jew ) give the kid a break .
The little video clips that he edits ( and edits well I must say , possibly should consider working for MTV/ Viacom)and the updates and comments are something he really enjoys doing obviously.
So , I can't help but wonder ...why all the hate ?
He is not hurting anyone , he is having a good time and entertaining others in the process...a male Paris Hilton .
Your 20's are for dicking around anyway ...
So if you haters hate on him so much , here's a little bit of advice - get the hell off his page and perhaps you can also not waste your valuable time to literally write negative , hateful comments all while painfully attempting to hide your OBVIOUS ENVY.
Your hate toward him is merely a veneer hiding your ' don't I wish I were Justin Ross Lee ' syndrome.
So stick that in your pipes and smoke it...
By the way JRL , I do apologize about the Don Cornelius suit comparason a while back ... I guarantee it was all purely in good fun ;*)
hahaa there are like 3 of us blogging in his defense "anonymously" love it... thats what friends are for right??
JrRL how many of these posts have you put up?? LOL
None of you actually know Justin and don't know what your talking about. The attention everyone gives him is great and he is hilarious, but why hate when you really don't know him?
In his London video, the guy wasn't deaf fool. I suggest re-watching it. It is a well known scam where several people work together to get money from Tourists outside of Harrods.
The point is that everyone on here is MORE than intrigued (me included), or they wouldn't be taking the time to get fired up enough write about someone. I’m not sure that meeting this guy is the same as knowing him.
With respect to Paris, it looks like he would fly to see his girlfriend who lived in there. The albums pics show this. You sound so angry (“knock his teeth out”) as if he might have taken yours away from you... Hiding behind a blog to take cover as he is doing things that you'd like to be doing. Perhaps change what you want about yourself before you're 30 and you'll have reached total consciousness.
Well said Valhalla!!! It's about time someone writes the truth!
ok i am bored and i took a minute to read through these comment .Honestly all of you need to get a life ,positive or neagative your comments maybe live your own life and stop hating .... I wont remain anonymous Chance Mcqueen piss off ..
His status says that he's in LA filming another one of these entertaining video montages'. Should keep all the fans and hater's with in anticipations for more entertainment.
In response to Nicole Miami's comment: I totally agree, well put...I think Justin's comments, status and videos are hilarious, so keep up the good work Justin. As for everyones negative comments, grow the F*ck up please! Just live YOUR life! Be happy, get over it...
Coming from a college friend of Justin's he is not or was a loser! Who ever is saying that is clearly bitter for not being invited out with us! I am in shock at all these rude comments..Justin is the nicest most selfless friend I've ever had and all he cares about is for everyone around him to be having fun! Women surround him because hes soo funny and exudes positive energy. Everytime I've hung out with JLee, I remember as the most hysterical nights of my life! Get over your pathetic selves and lives..so sad..go blog about Herpe Hilton! So live ya life!!
Love always,
your Goddess Athena
Coming from a college friend of Justin's he is not or was a loser! Who ever is saying that is clearly bitter for not being invited out with us! I am in shock at all these rude comments..Justin is the nicest most selfless friend I've ever had and all he cares about is for everyone around him to be having fun! Women surround him because hes soo funny and exudes positive energy. Everytime I've hung out with JLee, I remember as the most hysterical nights of my life! Get over your pathetic selves and lives..so sad..go blog about Herpe Hilton! So live ya life!!
Love always,
your Goddess Athena
who the hell cares!!!
He is a good kid, means well. I know him from boarding school and the one thing I can say that he hasn't changed over the course of the 12 years since I met him... that is pretty admirable if you ask me.
I will say this, he has really figured out how to make facebook work in his favor. I always find it amazing how certian people capitalize on new technology... call him what you will, but he knows what he is doing... systematically building his persona thru a fairly new vehicle of media.
Good stuff Justin
I went to school with the kid, and he was funny then and he is hilarious now. It's a pretty simple thing - if you think he is great, then keep supporting him, watching his stuff, and telling your friends. If you think he sucks, stop talking and writing about him.
I think people are giving this j-bag way too much credit. It's obvious that:
(1) He lives in a modest apartment on the Upper East Side. I've seen au pairs with better housing.
(2) His girlfriend is not very good looking (rabbi's daughter... read: her father is probably another corrupt jew in manhattan).
(3) His money is daddy's and he's unemployed (apparently he was fired from his last job). His friends on facebook are a culmination of many hours of him REQUESTING people.
(4) His MBA is from the University of Hartford, a low-tier school, especially for that type of degree. He might as well have gone to a community college and studied economics. The real question is, with all this money, why didn't daddy dearest buy him a seat at Wharton, Stern, or Harvard Biz?
(5) People seem to kiss his ass because he gives off the appearance that he is godly rich (only thanks to dad). Those people are peons. He acts like an immature brat, worthy of only getting his horse-sized teeth knocked out. Look at the video with him and his friend in the car (the blond guy). What douchebags... hanging out of the windows screaming "this is so fast" with a lisp like faggots.. pitiful lolol
(6) Any pictures with celebrities are one-offs...meaning that he doesn't really know them. He happens to have his camera on him at all times if you didn't notice. The guy takes shots in and around NYC at clubs, where he tags along with Matt Lipman, the dorkiest/sleaziest low-time club promoter of all. Celeb sightings are common. And if Pauly Shore is your idea of a hard-to-reach celeb, you're dreaming!
In the end, this guy's ego is inflated because he has a lot of friends on facebook that he knows deep down inside HE ADDED (not vice versa). When the facebook fad is over, where will Justin Ross Lee be?
Probably nowhere if he still has no jobs lined up several months out of biz school. Pathetic.
Are you mentally inept? Do your research. He went to a prestigious boarding school in New Hampshire where he make quite a name for himself judging by the comments above from people who KNOW him. And obviously you "GIVE A FUCK ABOUT JUSTIN ROSS LEE"
"dumb as shit"?, he has written some of the most witty comments and captions facebook has even seen. You obviously don't know what you're talking about with your speculative banter.
He has Master's degree. You have an ignorant anonymous post.
Cheap desk and chair: check.
Tacky/$80 art: check.
Cheap Dell: check.
Stolen office supplies from the job where he was given the boot: check.
Messy desk (no cleaning lady): check.
Ugly girlfriend: check.
Tacky? Yes. Gaudy? Yes. Low class? Yes. But, rich this guy is not.
The only reason I came here was because I surfed to Justin's profile from my friend's who he added (he's a friend collecting douchebag... remember them from myspace?). He linked this blog in his status messages.
By the way, this guy is so dumb that he has his real name all over the internet with this kind of slander. And he wants to get into business with his master's? LOL... good luck.
The chair is a Herman Miller $1,800 (the same one Brian Williams and every other anchor sits in on the air). We use them at work. And the art work is Charles Fazzino. Do your homework.
Asking price: $6,500.
My parents happen to have a piece by the same artist. Oh, and I have a maid, but she too knows better to stay away from my desk!
How could you judge anyone's lifestyle or worth by a photograph you fool? And why would you even care. Your jealousy is seeping through the monitor of my “cheap Dell”.
"By the way, this guy is so dumb that he has his real name all over the internet with this kind of slander."
Ever think he's doing something with the attention? Or are you too busy counting other's Jelly Beans to distract you from your dwindling pot?
I'd “CHECK” your facts. Goyim (did Justin give you that name?)
The negative writing style looks like it's one or two people who have a personal gripe or a major vendetta. Anger at someone you don’t know won't help you get your girlfriend back or make the urinal any closer to your manly hood. Point is: Spotlight is on him- not you. And everyone knows: No such thing as bad press...
Met him out several months ago.
He might be the most obnoxiously entertaining guy in NY. You have no idea! Nothing but fun. And he THRIVES off people who don't know/understand him!
Oh Justin...
Where to start?
I don't know the guy well or even at all, but he makes time to chat every now and then. He is unbelievably witty and honest as well. Regarding his intelligence, he's got to be smart to be witty, and his captions obviously show this. His videos are also fantastically made. Also, looking through his pictures, one can travel vicariously through him. He lives a fantastic life that most people wish they led and it fits him well.
PS-His girlfriend, the notorious RD, is most definitely not ugly, as Justin has fantastic taste in women.
I met Mr. Lee on a cruise about a year ago, my life has been much more entertaining ever since..if he were to run for president he'd have my vote :)
Oh Justin...
Where to start?
I don't know the guy well or even at all, but he makes time to chat every now and then. He is unbelievably witty and honest as well. Regarding his intelligence, he's got to be smart to be witty, and his captions obviously show this. His videos are also fantastically made. Also, looking through his pictures, one can travel vicariously through him. He lives a fantastic life that most people wish they led and it fits him well.
PS-His girlfriend, the notorious RD, is most definitely not ugly, as Justin has fantastic taste in women.
"horse teeth"
This chump needs to learn the difference between being wealthy and being rich.
On his Facebook, he acts noveau rich like he's never had money before and needs to be gaudy to let people know he has something. That's insecurity shining through.
In real life, his family isn't worth much in comparison to what most would consider actually wealthy. So what's with his focus on trying to show it off? That's like boasting a 2 inch penis to basketball groupies.
If I were him, I wouldn't try to celebrate this kind of attention either. The poster above makes a great point. I am on the Board of Directors at a major corporation headquartered in Midtown. I already sent around this link and his profile as a joke to my colleagues, other c-level executives at firms around New York. I would fire my HR personnel if they didn't search for his name and someone else found this page first.
Justin Ross Lee is not someone I would hire.
There is a new post about JRL on the blog...
Andrea S:
It's quite obvious that you are none other than Justin posing as someone else. Pathetic. The chair is not even in the picture, so how would you know?
Painting is from allposters.com as well. Anyone can buy a print.
I'm proud to be a Goyim... much better than a kikesickle :)
"I'm proud to be a Goyim... much better than a kikesickle :)"
Could it be antisemitism fueling your rage "GoyimOwnsJRL"?
Even when you're hiding behind a blog, there is still a line that you just crossed. PLEASE Justin, find out who's IP that is and interview this uninformed bigot in your next video.
what is wrong with his teeth??
can he close his mouth??
If this exposure is what he wants and this is the image he wants to portray, he's managed to get it for himself...and I say more power to him (and I am by no means criticizing him with this comment). He seems to be having fun...no harm done.
I realize that blogs are meant to spark conversation, but from the amount of conflicting information regarding, it looks like a hell of a lot of the commentators don't know the kid at all. This just makes you, the commentator, look stupid. Calling someone a loser in high school...Honestly, haven't most people improved to some extent since high school? If he was a loser, then isn't it better that he's changed how he's perceived? Doesn't make much sense to imply that someone should continue to be a loser..
I'm all for discussion, but some of these comments are pretty pathetic and speak more to the character of the poster than to JRL. If you're that disgusted by him, don't check his profile. Period. Don't continue to touch the fire and then blame the fire when you get burnt. Negative opinions...fine. Full-frontal attacks...useless. And equally useless are the back-and-forth "who cares about him, get a life" comments.
Lastly, much as I've got no problem with JRL, I skimmed his profile today, and frankly I didn't think it was particularly funny. Employing alliteration and a thesaurus to create album titles isn't really impressive or entertaining. Nor do I think there is much wit to his captions. Every Jewish girl I know and love is capable of making bitchy remarks about other people (a la JRL)...sometimes funny, sometimes reflecting poorly on the character of the speaker, but certainly not a unique skill. I give credit where I think credit is due.
That said, while I have no intent to revisit his profile, I wish him the best - Keep giving your fans what they want and enjoy yourself.
*And nobody tell me "clearly I really care" or "I should stop wasting my time"...this took me 5 minutes...now back to my life.
This guy is no joke, one of the most entertaining characters I have come across with. The way he sprayed champagne in London´s member clubs was just amazing. Keep up the good work Justin!
B.A. from Hartford, you can pick up at 7-11 (I have one)
M.B.A from Hartford requires some hard work.
"Do you have anything for 9?"
"no, 9 dollars" - Best line I ever heard!
horse faced nobody
I actually just teared. He's such a goofy looking douchebag though. The type you'd laugh at not with.
He just put up his latest album about a trip to Vegas. Definitely worth a read through the captions.
if he had a bigger penis he would have the total package.
I new Justin in college and was an acquaintence. I hung out at his place a few times (he lived in the penthouse of the park place towers... feel free to google the complex). He does drive an S4 (drove an A4 in undergrad) and was known on campus the same way he is known know. That being an obnoxiuos jew with lots of money and no shame. For the record Barney School of Business at UHa (or JewHa for anyone who went there) is not a "low teir school". I would not say that I am friends with him as I would never call him now-a-days, but he always had money and a unique outlook on his "rights to it. As for "Athena" who has posted quite a few times, she was the first one kicked off Paris BFF and have always chased ugly guys with money... remember Brett from Miami? I have an MBA as well (Not from UHa) and am working for a corporation and going that route... he is starting a business (that being he himself as the business). I say do your thing, to each his own and I wish him the best.
The Fox article written about him is quite amusing.
I absolutely cannot believe this. Justin - since I know you will be checking these people's comments hourly .... wishing you all the best.
Clearly you are so infatuated with my life that you keep track of my boyfriends and tv appearances..let it be known that supporting my friend Justin is by no means chasing a man for money darling. Check my bank account because I sure don't need a guy to help me out...I already have a retired professional soccer player for Daddy. Thanks for the comment tho! Show your face anonymous = )
According to the Princeton Review (and other reputable websites), the average undegrad GPA of The Barney School is around a 3.0, and a 2.5 is required to get in (though that might be outdated). US News didn't even bother to rank it.
Hartford undergrad is consistently ranked as a Tier 4 school. It's an ideal environment for wealthy parents to waste their money convincing themselves they're educating their offspring whose intelligence is, in fact, a small step above diagnosable mental handicap.
People, you can defend your friend Justin all you want...but you can't deny that Hartford's undergraduate and graduate academics are, at best, pathetic.
You're a bit off. The grad program seems a bid more academically rigorous.
AACSB Accreditation
The Barney School is 1 of over 550 accredited business schools worldwide. This places us in the top 10% of all business schools.
AACSB International accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools, worldwide. Institutions that earn accreditation confirm their commitment to quality and continuous improvement through a rigorous and comprehensive peer review. It is the hallmark of excellence in management education.
AACSB International accreditation assures quality and promotes excellence and continuous improvement in undergraduate and graduate education for business administration and accounting. Accreditation is a process of voluntary, non-governmental review of educational institutions and programs.
Source: http://barney.hartford.edu/pages/earnedex.html
An MBA is an MBA, so I'll agree that an advanced business degree from an accredited school is not something to scoff at. However, that a school is accredited does not validate it as a good school, and your statement that Barney is in the top 10% is a bit misleading.
Non-accredited schools are rarely recognized by employers or other higher level scholastic institutions. So, while accreditation is a threshold between some level of respect and basically no respect from the academic and professional communities, accreditation does not truly speak to the overall quality of the school, particularly when almost all other (if not all) American educational institutions that are considered to be worthwhile ARE accredited. Comparing accredited to non-accredited schools is comparing apples to oranges. Accreditation "assures quality and promote excellence" at the most basic level, and in a pool of excellent American accredited institutions, Barney's accreditation does not help it stand out.
Think of it like this...going to a community college, yes, is advanced education (and is usually accredited). This does not put the community college in an upper echelon of respected or relevant institutions, it is merely the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable.
Justin is an acquaintance of mine from the University of Hartford. Yes, I will admit that it is not a hard school to get into at all, but it does come with a hefty tuition price tag. "Hartford; $40,000 cover charge" (keep in mind each year the price would rise), which was no problem to pay since the majority of the student body did come from privileged family backgrounds. It's not a crime. We were born into our lifestyles and how we chose to take advantage of it, or not, is entirely up to us. Don't hate on us or our school. A bunch of rich, some snobby, mostly Jewish kids from New York and New Jersey, who know how to work hard and play harder. We all had a blast in college. Good times, especially with Justin there...
He likes to show off that he came from a privileged lifestyle. He wasn't the only one with a nice car that daddy paid for in the parking lot or taking Jap-laps around campus. Look at him... the clothes, the cars, the vacations. You're just jealous. On the subject of women, he's not the most gorgeous guy, but he definitely has women interested in him cause of the money. As mentioned above, almost all of the student body came from money, me being one of them. I will admit that I am not attracted to guys who don't have money (whether it's their own money or their parents'). And obviously gold-diggers are out there who Justin probably wined and dined and then 69ed. Good for him! He comes from money, so what. A lot of people do. Some of us are stuck up snobs and show it off, some of us are more modest. Behind the money, Justin has a sense of humor above any other. I wasn't too close of friends with him, but from the times I did hang out with him and others from our school, we all had a great time. Yay for 960!
To come to a conclusion; don't hate on Hartford. I could've left Hartford to go to a more prestigious school, but I loved it there. We all did. I do have to back up that when I graduated, the Barney School of Business became an accredited school. So for those who made idiotic comments about our school... go f*ck yourself! Do me a favor and take a look on facebook and notice how those who graduated from Hartford work for top firms in NYC, which allow us to continue to live our amazing lifestyles.
Justin, keep up the good work. You're hilarious!
You couldn't be ANY more wrong or misleading. Look for yourself.
Andrea S, it's very cute and endearing that your grade-school quality grammar and impressively low threshold for humor (your endless, pathetic praise of justin's vapid display of "wit" - that is, if you actually know what "wit" means) are highly correlative of your overall lack of intelligence, not to mention said pathetic justin lee ass kissing, which is indicated by how many times you've posted responses to peoples' superior criticism (which you are mistaking for personal attacks on your beloved plastic statue of a human).
You keep telling people to "get a life" - why don't you stop making yourself look like a tard and get on with your menial existence.
And actually, I have a JD from a prestigious law school - something you would never be able to achieve.
P.S. I'm just kidding! I'm actually really looking forward to more of JRL's hilarious captions!
Actually, Andrea S = Justin Ross Lee - now I just feel bad for the guy - he's delusional and not very bright - i guess the trust fund way is to skip doing actual work and just pollute cyberspace with idiocy a la paris hilton/the cast of the hills, etc...
but, as we learned from the matrix, "ignorance is bliss..." maybe i don't feel so bad anymore
eh whatever - everyone just hug!
It's funny that he only has 45 friends on asmallworld...and everyone knows only ASW members even have a chance of being worthwhile people.
Good thing for justin that facebook doesn't have a policy like ASW where you get booted off if you connect with strangers and they reject you...he'd be banned from facebook in 10 seconds, and then WHAT WOULD HE DO TO PASS THE TIME!?
I'm also sort of surprised he lives in murray hill...sure that's where most of my friends (and copious amounts of jews) live, but I'm pretty shocked he didn't go 15 blocks down into gramercy...it's pretty much coach vs. first class. Even "The City" acknowledges the true class that is gramercy. Oh well...
Bottom line from Hamptons post above: Lee is a coke head who's on his way to being slapped with a sexual harassment suit.
Not only does that make him infinitely awesome, but that is exactly the kind of information that everyone wants to be available on the Internet about themselves...hope he's permanently given up on ever being hired for any sort of job...even manual labor employers probably frown on that sort of thing.
To whoever posted that, you seem just about as bright as Mr. Lee makes himself out to be. Probably best to keep your drug use off the printed page. Everyone does it, but most are smart enough not to publish it. Moron.
Woah! My bad! My earlier post about the Hamptons was wayyy off! I was wasted that night (of course). One of my buddies told me it was J Lee who did that - But I just asked him last night and he told me he was completely wrong. It was one of my other friends (this jackass Eric who I don't even hang out with much really) - in fact, I don't even think Justin Lee was even there that night...
I'm sorry about that - I'm definitely a moron for writing that in the first place, and even dumber for saying it was Justin - that in no way involved Justin Ross Lee - Total mistake on my part. Man, I need to stop drunk blogging...
To Host Blogger:
I previously told a story about Mr. Lee in the hamptons with a waitress, etc...
I realized that it was not him in that story (i was wasted and don't really remember), and my friend who once told me that story was also incorrect -it wasn't Mr. Lee - it was some idiot who I don't even really like.
I ask that you remove my previous post, under "ASC" because I now realize that false information like that is misleading and could damage his reputation (if it's not already so), and that ain't right.
Thank You,
PS - I do not ask that you publish this comment - i just wanted to keep this private.
ASC? Is that Bumble Bee? Psh, come on it was definitely your boy who was hitting the slopes...drunk blogging? excuses excuses
Anonymous Esq,
You think you may be bright, although it just comes off as self-righteousness mixed with some time-honored hypocrisy; you see, I know you are simply paraphrasing the since-deleted post by a not-so-bright drug user, but by saying what you said i.e. "XXX is a coke head..." again, acknowledged that you are simply restating someone else's "moronic" post, you are doing exactly what you considered to be so moronic. While your post may not rise to the level of libel because you are not the one actually stating something as fact etc... your post will now show up when someone (a prospective employer) types in Mr. Lee's name in a search - what will come up? (see above). Ahh, but you know the answer because you are so intelligent, and are thus entitled to chastise someone for doing something dumb, and at the same time, being just as dumb - but again, you know what you are doing. moron.
what a clown!
what a clown!
I'm not a friend of Mr. Lee...and I am smart enough not to post potentially incriminating comments about my friends. My comment concerned the idiocy of a person posting that kind of information about one of his friends. I frankly don't care at all whether the information exists and can be Googled, nor whether someone's blowing through an 8ball a night at Pink Elephant. Perhaps I sound self-righteous, but that often happens when commenting on somebody else's blatant stupidity. And hypocrisy would only arise if I was busy blogging about my friends' use, which I'm not. Consider reading more carefully before you respond to people.
Actually, the real point was not the substance of what you were saying (friends don't let dumb friends blog about hittin the slopes and slappin the ladies); it was the form - "XXX is a coke head..." Point is, and this is a suggestion for all, employers really do care about seeing names attached to illicit activity, and in this economy, certainly regardless of context. So be careful about what you write out there in cyberspace (unless you decide to compliment one another's batoots!).
wow - Old Best Friend - that was the best thing i've ever seen. please give us more - If he's become a public figure on his own initiative, let's get the real story straight.
finally someone with some brajoles
This kid reminds me of most long island japs (aka josh borenstein , eric sutton, jake truen, i can go on and on ) their all rich kids that run around in there fancy cars thinking their the shit ... all living in bubbles... miami every weekend, trips to aruba and puerto rico dailey .. sheesh guys step into reality, ur living in fantasy land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another self-important douchebag. Yawn.
I went to school with this clown in Scarsdale, NY..... yes, that rich jewish bubble... where everyone's daddy is long a 7-figure plus bank account - cheers. Justin was a tool, no one will ever remember him (pretty sure my buddies kicked his gay a$$ just cause we could)!!! and def a virgin. Anyone can ride daddy's $$$ and have a go & take some pics...he needs to "jewset" around the globe so maybe he will get laid for once w/o shelling out $$$ upfront....he is a DBAG still and always. Rocking a panerai or a daytona is child's play..and never forget, those that talk about money aint reallly got it. The fact that ppl follow him or give him credit is comical...staying at the cove??? really, didnt know that was big time??? LOL! PLS kid, when u ready for the big time let me know...ask your sis who i am, since i filled her up countless times back in the day!
I went to school with this clown in Scarsdale, NY..... yes, that rich jewish bubble... where everyone's daddy is long a 7-figure plus bank account - cheers. Justin was a tool, no one will ever remember him (pretty sure my buddies kicked his gay a$$ just cause we could)!!! and def a virgin. Anyone can ride daddy's $$$ and have a go & take some pics...he needs to "jewset" around the globe so maybe he will get laid for once w/o shelling out $$$ upfront....he is a DBAG still and always. Rocking a panerai or a daytona is child's play..and never forget, those that talk about money aint reallly got it. The fact that ppl follow him or give him credit is comical...staying at the cove??? really, didnt know that was big time??? LOL! PLS kid, when u ready for the big time let me know...ask your sis who i am, since i filled her up countless times back in the day!
the kid went to the university of Hartford around the same time that I did...He's a fucking tool...He parades around like a true faggot would with a bit of daddy's money..kid is def a virgin
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