After the amazing response about our first blog about Mr.JRL, it seems as though many people are also wondering......"who are you Justin Ross Lee?"
That is why As good as it's guests is having an exclusive interview with JRL to answer all your questions and more!
If you have any interview suggestions, please let us know.
Keep checking with us daily for the interview, as well as everything else you love about NYC.
As good as it's guests
Here's a suggestion:
Don't interview him. No one really cares. lol
Obviously people do....like yourself
Brilliant idea.
He's fabulous.
I'd quit your day job if I were you "GoyimOwnsJRL". Your obsession is becoming clinically significant (posting thousand word essays). Just call him up and ask him for a date already!
He cheats on his girlfriend all the time... she lives with him -- so he makes up stories about when and where he is... Rabbi's daughter must be code for Stupid.
TEAM JRL... Can't wait for the interview!
What's the big deal? He's Jetting somewhere else every week and
he dates a REFORM Rabbi's Daughter.
No need to shoot him in between his temples ;)
Ali has been my girl for a long time and she always keeps her men on a tight leash. Justin isn't cheating.
I read this blog all the time but if I have to read any more about him I'll stop.
If the "hype" of JRL a local New Yorker does not interest you, then what does?
Um he's not a local New Yorker. He's bridge and tunnel trash from CT.
More Gossip Girl!
What is local about him? Where does he live in NY? All his pics are from other destinations!
He went to undergrad and grad school in CT. But JLEE is definitely from NY. Nothing B&T about him. I went to school in Wisconsin. Does that make me Midwestern Corn?
How about Justin stop registering fake blogger names and posting anonymous comments on his behalf?
Who creates haters when there's plenty to despise about him in the first place? I wouldn't pee down his throat if his stomach was on fire.
I would, however, let him shine my shoes. Maybe.
He just put up his latest album about a trip to Vegas. Definitely worth a read through the captions.
Oh please, stop with the holier than thou attitude... Don't hate on CT. Every other person that now lives in NYC either grew up in CT, or in 80% of the cases, will move there once they have children. Let's be honest here, what percentage of your friends were actually born and grew up in Manhattan? And I'm saying Manhattan because that's the city, and most people in the city treat Brooklyn, Queens and SI with the same regard in which you hold CT. And trust me - bridge and tunnel has never applied to CT, you're confusing that with Jersey.
In any case - JRL is the comic relief at the end of the day that we all need... Have you actually seen his profile? He's HILARIOUS.
I would rather hear about people in show biz than unemployed horse faces
CT is crap. Whoever just posted above saying NYC peeps who are either from CT or move to CT are obviously living in lala land. The only thing CT is good for is Foxwoods, period. Even NJ has more reputable property, like in Alpine. CT is poor man's/bourgeois land.
I am not a hater, nor a fan, just here to state the truth. Justin Ross Lee is one of the sexiest men alive. Please make me a shiddach. As a non jew in New York, I would read the Torah day and night, lick his croc loafers, and become insanely jewtastic just to get a night in bed with JLEE.
yet connecticut has the highest income of any state..new jersye is built on garbage dump, and mos tof new york is north of manhattan and composed of woodsmen in flannel shirts..
The Fox article written about him is a riot!
The FOX article says it's for a Jewish Charity to that lost money from the Madoff scam. The auction is upto $300 right now. Not a bad way to get press if you ask me.
read the end of the article:
"All facts provided by Justin Ross Lee and his Fugly Girlfriend"
It's called a slander lawsuit for spreading false information all throughout that news article. The author disclaimed herself at the end.
Oh how weak it is to create a false sense of inflated importance. 4,500+ friends that HE ADDED does not a popular facebook profile make. Look at the fan page he created, 6 ppl.
"It's called a slander lawsuit for spreading false information all throughout that news article."
This quote proves your level of intelligence. It's call 'libel' not 'slander' (which is spoken). And it refers to defamation or when someone discloses private facts which are not of public concern Mr./Ms. Anonymous. I'd re-read the article again and try to keep your face from getting red this time.
I happen to know JRL and met his girlfriend. Justin's always gotten lookers and Ali is no exception. Why do I have a feeling that the "Rabbi's Daughter" is much hotter than anything you could get. And it doesn't seem like he's using the fan page that was created for him; If he were, he'd probably have more friends than Lance Armstrong and an extra ball. Looks like you could use a session at "Hater's Anonymous". Team Justin.
people - if you are going to publicly criticize someone or something from a legal standpoint, please at least do your research first!
Does this person represent wealth in NYC, NOPE, does he represent class, most definitely NOT. Does he live on planet GAGA, YES. The only thing I will give him is that he is a master marketer.
The whole I go out to clubs and buy bottles, I have a guy Mohammed who fetches my car, etc. umm most if not more than half of young people in NY have been there, live it and done that, no need to document it. The real people with any class or money in the city go to exclusive venues where you don't buy bottles. What he does is most definitely over but I suppose entrertaining to those who have never gotten to experience it. He has taken his anger out on the mainstream society and that is brilliant, not a lot of people have the guts to do that, so I suppose i will give him that as well.
Pesonally he repulses me, I don't know him but his facebook profile, the status messages just show how insecure he really is. When he does not get his way or get treated the way he wants to all of the sudden the people are shit and he is god and above them. I just hope he wakes up before he is old and looks bad and realizes he looks like an idiot.
His girlfriend is very pretty but honey all the Chanel in the world will not buy you love or happiness, my advice to her is to run as fast as she can far away from him. This is just my humble opinion, I might be wrong, othewise I wish them all the best.
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