Everyones favorite internet obsession , Justin Ross Lee sent us a message from Scottsdale letting us know what has been going on in his jewtastic life this weekend!
"Greetings from Scottsdale Blog beauties. So I've had a Jewtastic time spreading my shtick all over this town of 'non believers' who look at my two heads in utter disgust. The production company that is filming my reality pitch hired a full camera crew who's been following me around documenting my every move (including me riding a mechanical bull while drinking out of a Vintage bottle of Dom P). I've decided to post my long overdue "Jews on a Cruise" video this evening as soon as I land at JFK and shower to rid myself of all the flight attendant dust. I've gotten about a dozen inquiries about JRL Exclusive part 3. Oh, and I am formally recommending that you two quit your jobs and join me in my "fuck you" JewJetting debauchery movement."
We really hope there is some good footage of JRL dressed in a custom "fuck you" suit on that bull. Check back with is soon for Part 3 of the Justin Ross Lee exclusive.
"Greetings from Scottsdale Blog beauties. So I've had a Jewtastic time spreading my shtick all over this town of 'non believers' who look at my two heads in utter disgust. The production company that is filming my reality pitch hired a full camera crew who's been following me around documenting my every move (including me riding a mechanical bull while drinking out of a Vintage bottle of Dom P). I've decided to post my long overdue "Jews on a Cruise" video this evening as soon as I land at JFK and shower to rid myself of all the flight attendant dust. I've gotten about a dozen inquiries about JRL Exclusive part 3. Oh, and I am formally recommending that you two quit your jobs and join me in my "fuck you" JewJetting debauchery movement."
We really hope there is some good footage of JRL dressed in a custom "fuck you" suit on that bull. Check back with is soon for Part 3 of the Justin Ross Lee exclusive.
Can't wait to see this footage. His cruise vid was hysterical.
while justin ross lee has done a great job of self promotion and quite certainly made a name for himself amongst blogs and social networks... where will he be or what will he do after his 15 minutes of fame are up?
so he has a reality tv show...how will he be any different to an mtv real world character?
justin ross lee has no talent or any special skills or qualities, but aspires to become some type of paris hilton style socialite... thats fine, but he will never achieve that socialite status because the majority of the public's perception is that he is a major tool... and therefore he is also not marketable to any brand or company
his rebuttle will come off as "i have many haters, and to them i thank for my success"... but what success? or "they just dont understand me or get my humor"... no i get it, its just not funny... anyone can be obnovious, rude and flamboyent as u... its not creative and certainly not funny!!!
i am an account executive at a powerhouse marketing agency which i will choose not to disclose and i was brought to the attention that i should look in to this justin ross lee character.... there is nothing marketable about you justin ross lee.. you are a shame to american society.. enjoy your 15 minutes of fame and all that money you spend so you could take facebook pictures making you look like a celebrity.... your cheap tricks will simply not last... soon enough ppl will realize you for the pathetic person you are
you are disgusting human being
I completely agree with what the person above me wrote. I have known Justin on a personal level, before he even went through puberty even, and he is nothing but an arrogant moron. If he's as well educated as he claims to be - perhaps it would serve him better to take those degrees and get a real job rather than pursuing a faux-celebrity life...
To the "account executive" -
YOU are the tool! Justin happens to be not only hysterically funny, but also extremely smart and witty. Trust me, he has PLENTY of fans/followers. Just because you obviously don't get it (you're too poor), you can't travel the globe (again, too poor) and can't enjoy the funny side of the finer things in life (guess what?), doesn't mean that throngs of others can't. Wait and see, mr. account exec.
Anyone who doesn't find JRL funny simply does not get "it".
Take him literally or at face value and it's your loss and his gain.
The difference between him and any "real world character" is that his is hysterical. He is Gen Y's Howard Stern. Misunderstood and brilliant.
Can't wait for the next episode.
(oh, and Marketing Agency my ass)
Hello Powerhouse "account executive" February 17, 2009 11:54
You are in an entry level position... with an opinion like that I would bet that you will stay at that level- or laid off like the rest soon.
Your whole argument is centered around Paris Hilton who also is also seen as a tool. The difference between JRL and Paris Hilton is funny tool versus pretty tool.
Also, have you conducted any scientific polls to back up your statement about "public perception"? I thought someone who works for a powerhouse marketing agency would know about market data...
VP. of a real "Powerhouse Media Company"
I thought JRL was cool until I woke up one morning with no morals left, However it was a fun night !
ahahahahahah to Sarah R.
I am not laughing at you, but that was really funny.
Personally i think everyone is taking this whole thing a little too serious. I have met much bigger assholes in life than "JRL". He is extremely funny and says things that wud come out of my old "yenta" grandmothers mouth. People need to stop living their lives bringing out other peoples flaws and worry about their own. At thend of the day nobody is gonna change for you so why spend ur life critiquing everyone around you. I think you are fab JRL! and as long as ur getting the ladies you know ur doing something right ;-)
i give this guy 3-6 months... he thrives off attention and he will lose that attention very shortly.. then he will be left with no future ahead of him and become middle class like all those ppl he has put down to make himself look cool
what are you jrl?? a banker, lawyer, doctor, engineer, teacher??? no! you have no profession!!!
you have no right to be bragging or showing off. what did u get on ur sat? did you crack a 1000??? how about ur gmat? what did it take to get into hartford university? HAHAHAHAHA hartford?? motherfucker u went and lived in hartford for 7 years. what a fuckin shit hole for retards. thats more like a city where u belong!!! HAHAH u went to hartford but u act like u went ivy league. the worst part is you have ppl defending u saying that ur intelligent!! holy shit!!! hartford!
yea yea yea u live a SICK lifestyle. no fuckin kiddin. i wish i could live your life style but i have to work 70-80 hours a week so maybe ill get one or two nights of poppin bottles. plus ur bottles r probably comped by some scum promoter anyway. traveling the world? vegas pshh.. scottsdale pssh.. comped rooms u loser.
jrl u are a pretender, phony, a fake. WHATS YOUR INCOME?? hahahaha loser! have u been makin 1 mil salary and 1 mil bonus for a big bulge bracket bank like me for the last 5 years? hahah youre in fuckin debt to either the credit card company or ur parents. either way you're in debt!!!
jrl- no income, lacks any type of skill or qualifications, no prestige, no power, no class.
ps2. no i dont give a fuck about you. i do give a fuck about the cab drivers, flight attendants, hotel workers that you fuckin disrespect on ur not funny videos and think youre better than you fuckin nothing. atleast they have an income!!! HAHAHAHAHA
@ 4:03pm
You've got to be kidding me. Are you seriously going to discredit JRL's educational background with that grammar?
You and "account executive" should hook up and form the incompetent workers union.
"ps2. no i dont give a fuck about you. i do give a fuck about the cab drivers, flight attendants, hotel workers that you fuckin disrespect on ur not funny videos and think youre better than you fuckin nothing. atleast they have an income!!! HAHAHAHAHA"
You just wrote an entire essay about JRL where you made yourself sound disturbingly angry about someone who you "don't give a fuck about." If that were true would you have taken valuable time out of your "80 hour work week" to vent hostility over someone who has lifestyle you just said that you "wish you could live"?
Doesn't sound like you know him at all. All you've done is reference where he's gone to school (and made fun of it- hypocrite). He's an MBA in a city without jobs. The point is you need to work- doesn't seem like JRL does and you hate him for it with an obvious level of spite and self inadequacy. So what is that word that we use to describe someone like you? Hater.
Sound like you're a fan and a "phony" cause he's the funniest person I've encountered in a while.
Time to come out of the closet.
1st one of all, the fact that the person above me wrote with more grammatical mistakes then a 1st grader -automatically cancels out your opinion.
2nd of all, Justin Ross Lee is extremely marketable given that he is the walking definition of "guilty pleasure". The same type of guilty pleasure that tunes in millions of viewers to watch crappy tv shows. Also, for those of us who have watched his videos it can be easily seen how drawn to him all the people around him are. He is hysterical, in this "fuck you" way, that regardless of what you say, you just can't resist but to laugh! EVEN NYC CAB DRIVERS love him...and they hate everyone!
3rd of all, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Have a great day!
Paris, London, Scottsdale, Vegas, Dublin, Yacht in the British Virgin Isles, Hamptons, LA, Miami, Puerto Rico. He "JewJets" more than a pilot named Capt. Feinstein. Looks to me like that is pretty much traveling the world.
Have I missed any of the places he's been to multiple times in the past 12 months?
What I would love to see is "Justin Ross Lee takes on Tokyo".
And I know this cause I've actually know Justin Lee (before he added the Ross to brand himself). Know him- not met him but know him from The University of Hartford- not "Hartford University" fool.
Believe it or not (and sorry to blow your cover JRL) but he's one of the nicest, and brightest guys I've ever met. This guy can work a room like Sam Rothstein and definately can pull more groupie pussy than you with your 80 hour a week "million $ job" (which you'll likely lose in the next 3 months).
I dont know justin, at all. But I'm from West Hartford and for someone to talk shit about hartford as a city who's an alleged "millionare" who wants, no NEEDS to post that on an anonymous blog entry is the fucking moron. Let the kid live his life. You're scolding him for degrading people on video when you just degraded a city you've probably never even been to? PS-University of Hartford is a very good, highly credited university. Lastly- with that mil dollar bonus why dont you invest in some education so you can learn how to fucking construct an email.
Justin-keep doing your thing
wow...seems like the person above me put a decent amount of energy into that...they got a lot of hate in their blood always a strong quality in a human being...let the kid live man dont get so caught up in other peoples lives, either be entertained or dont...relax a little
SOOOO many fuckin haters! listen up haters, he is what he is... Mr. Million Dollar bonus man, you're 70-80 hours a week of "real job" don't seem to keep you away from checking out ALL his videos, captions and people "insulted" huh? Dude come on.... you sound like you're a bit spiteful.... kinda like Kirstie Allie, at a candy shop with a carrot in her hand.... Maybe u need a carrot too "mr banker".... coz i think yo pussy need a lil rub rub....
Justin Ross is a disgusting and pitiful human being who thinks living off his daddys money is honerable. He thinks he is better than everyone simply because he has money.. Well I have news for JRL.. YOU ARE FUCKING UGLY.. And the only reason why any female would touch ur penis is because you buy them things and take them places not because u are attractive or a good person!
I think he basically lacks class. Material things do not give you class, nor the places you've travelled or how many bottles you have "popped."
How can someone hope to game solid credible fame, by putting less fortunate people down? I think it's sad and terribly mean.
You go on a cruise to insult people because they are bigger? To make racial slurs at the person that fixes your room.
Materials things...he loaded with.
Class? He's not even close to achieving, let alone compassion.
And to his groupies....you will always be judged by the people you surround yourself with. Him having alligator shoes doesn't necessarily mean you're surrounded the best of people.
You're blind. He's a hot piece of Jewish ass. I'd let him knock this "shicksa up"!
I agree with Sara. JRL is easy on the eyes. Great style thanks to his "fuck you custom tailor". This guy needs to be on TV ASAP. Sick of all the garbage on right now.
bottom line, he makes no income but lives and acts like a banker during the glory days.
he adds no value to society. he is unemployed. real attractive. he has one of the most awkward and ugly smiles ive ever seen.
hes not worth the controversy surrounding him.
ps. unemployed with no income. jrl. unemployed. no income. graduated from hartford. lol.
Sara R (Rosenberg) You'd let anything with a schlong knock you up.... You kiss Justin's butt more than the girls he ACTUALLY buys presents for.... Like, i don't get it.... Do u think he's gonna love you long time, if you like get deep enough inside his sphincter?
Being his facebook friend, he's funny & what not. He's got no class which he should have picked up in his MBA! While his videos & photos are fun to glance @, he's got no right for racial slurs & mean words although I don't like fat people too. He's the description of a spoilt educated Jew with no class, period. & for the girlie whores he pulls, they want him for social status & money, relationships ending abruptly & quicker than his "fuck you" jewjetting trips! He's a good brand with weaker power! Low self esteem powered by money! Fair?
kid has no pedigree to be displayin himself as "mr big shot"
hartford grad and unemployed. he is the fuckin man!!!!!!!
I actually think JRL is funny, what I don't like is that he claims he does not get money from his Parents and that he uses credit cards, but he has never had a job longer than 2 weeks, how do you get credit with only having a job for 2 weeks? Then how do you pay your credit card bills? I think his Character would be more marketable if he did not lie about where his finances come from!
he is such a loser!
Everyone posting on here is completely obsessed with his life and loves to speculate on everything JRL. (and has only know him from his online persona) At least I can admit it!. Point is, no one knows what kind of trusts or monies this character has. All we know is that he's a character. And a fucking funny one.
What don't you understand? It's the negativity that fuels the momentum. Sound like you're all into his shit. And so am I after laughing my ass off at these facebook videos of his.
I still want to know what happened to the Rabbi's Daughter and how he's so suddenly single. You KNOW there has got to be a story behind that. What poor girl will be the next victim of this Jewface of facebook?
Part 3?
I Love the Rabbi's Daughter!
He's only an MBA from HARTFORD, not Harvard. Hartford is a community college in a 3rd world town. You graduate without even having to attend class.
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