Pictured Above: The Infamous JRL, Drew, Jessica, Doug
Losing your job, shame from your family, confusion in relationships, new opportunities. These are all issues one may face during the course of their life, and these are all the reasons why there is a part of Justin Ross Lee in every one of us.
Love him or hate him- the readers wanted to know more about the “Jew face” of facebook, so we dug up the dirt. This is not AP National and this is not writing on a bathroom wall. This is As Good As It’s Guests and we are finally ready to dish the dirt on everyone's favorite facebook personality! This is the tell all “F*ck You” lie flat Jew Year Exclusive on JRL that you have all been waiting for. So grab a refill on your coffee, minimize your Outlook mailbox and sit back in your chair to find out all the information you have been asking us to find out.
As we walked into the Carnegie Club we saw Justin, accompanied by his friend and personal suit maker, Doug Rosenblum, sitting at the long bar. The atmosphere was as stuffy as we expected Justin's attitude to be. The smoke-filled bar, adorned with bookshelves reminiscent of an antique men's club seemed to be the perfect "F*ck You" environment to conduct the interview. Justin greeted us with a cigar in one hand and a cocktail in the other and led us over to the table surrounded by upholstered couches. As we walked over, we wondered if he would be the ostentatious, pompous jerk many of you have claimed him to be. To our surprise, and probably many of yours, he was anything but.
So many of us are wondering, how did this all start? How does Justin live the life of a pompous a-hole that monopolizes so much of our readers free time on facebook?. What is it about him that makes him able to get away with acting the way he does? (no, it's not his Daddy's wallet) Is he not worried about finding a job in this declining economy? Well readers, Justin Ross Lee is over being a slave to the economy. While many twenty-somethings are begging for jobs, Justin sees this as “an opportunity to be himself.” After he was fired from his prestigious job just 2 weeks after starting (yep, you guessed it, due to his excessive facebook activity) he was shamed by his family and told to “quiet down”, making this his last resort. Justin explained, “Few people fit under the corporate umbrella, this is a chance for me to be who I am. It allowed me to stop pretending, be yourself, as unmarketable as it may be." However, it does seem as though JRL is moving in the corporate direction with the launching of YidLee Productions LLC, and the future launch of his fashion accessories line with his girlfriend, Ali Greenberg. By “branding myself, I'm getting out of the economy. I am boycotting the market by not working. I'm vocationally defied, not un-employed." So far he has not made any money doing what he does but he has definitely generated interest, simply stating “I have invested in myself.” That brings us to the question burning in all of your minds, where exactly does all this money come from? His parents? Well, not exactly. "My parents haven't given me a dime since I graduated. There is no trust fund. The only fund I'm involved in has very little trust". Justin, like many others his age has been living off savings and credit cards but prefers living lavishly over modestly. He hopes to one day be in the same ball park as today's highrollers such as Joe and George Maloof, owners of the Sacramento Kings and The Palms hotel and casino in Vegas. In a conversation about the Maloof brothers excessive spending habits, Justin added " One day, I hope I am at the level of George Maloof and can buy girls diamond necklaces. Right now, I give pearl necklaces and I'm not talking Mikimoto."
*This article was too long to post as a whole. We did not want to cut anything out, therefore the article will be in 3 parts! Check back with us next week for Part Deux.
XOXO As good as it's guests