We know some of you avid JRL haters and fans weren't impressed by what we wrote in Part 1. Frankly, we don't care. We asked Justin all of the questions you wanted us to ask and are reporting back to you the way we want, when we want. We can't suck as bad as those few comments say we do, you're back for Part 2, aren't you?
To our amazing, loyal readers...read on to find out more about Mr. Justin Ross Lee. To our haters, go ahead...leave your nasty comment and take a walk. We mean that in the nicest way...seriously. Believe it or not, we feed off your "constructive criticism" too.
When it comes to love, JRL is a taken man, sorry ladies (and gentlemen). He is currently in a serious relationship with Ali "Krazy Pants" Greenberg, which he calls the RD, short for Rabbi’s daughter. They are currently traveling through Ireland as a Chanukah gift to the RD. JRL's current status says that he feels like a "gifilte fish" out of water in Ireland. We would imagine a sardonic, blonde haired, American Jew would stick out amongst the alcoholic, red haired, freckle-faced Irish. (Come on, you all stereotype As Good As Its Guests and the JewFace of Facebook, we're allowed to stereotype the Irish and not everyone can handle the "JewSchtick".) "JewJetting" from coast to coast seems to be a trend in Justin and Ali's relationship. The two lovebirds were actually introduced by a women JRL met on a cruise that they were both aboard sometime last year. Ali hated Justin at first, as most of you hate JRL without knowing anything about him (hate on haters) but as fate would have it, their paths crossed again. Justin told us "We ran into each other again at a club, and her friends told her to go out with me once. We went on one date that lasted a week and I've been Kosher ever since". So just how does Justin feel about dating a reform rabbi’s daughter? “Well the Rabbi is very liberal, he is the head of the congregation. But I ate it up. It was like walking to a red carpet event during Yom Kippur.” I know many of you Christian girls are wondering, Would Justin date a non-jew? Justin replied “ If I could use it in a positive spin and if it was a marketable cause." " If the pope could procreate, I’d date his daughter. It would also take the approval of the board, (his inner circle of friends) but I’m an equal opportunity dater.” Don’t go holding your breath ladies and gents, JRL is very happy with the RD and no, Justin is NOT gay. When we asked him if his door swung the other direction he snapped back with a "No, but thanks for watching!".

With so much recent media attention, JRL finds himself having many fans and with those fans come just as many haters. If you're one of those haters who anonymously comment on our blog, you may want to step away from your keyboard because JRL made it known to us that he LOVES the attention. “ I eat, breathe and live for the attention of haters. I love the negativity more then the positivity, it fuels me and if you hate me now, wait until you stand next to me at a urinal"

Don't want to believe that the guy you love to hate has officially made his way to internet super stardom? Let's discuss that FoxPhilly news story we all read (don't deny it, you know you read it). How could we not? It was on his status everyday for 3 weeks. (Love the self promotion, Justin!) Well, the story had so many readers that FoxPhilly received 26,000 new users and it actually shut down their system! Insane, we know. Shutting down FoxPhilly.com isn't the only excessive internet response Justin has received lately. Let's talk about that E-Bay auction Justin was involved in. You know... the one that auctioned off a lunch date with the Jew Face of Facebook himself. (Winning bidder-who are you!?! We'd love to chat. You know where to find us!) Justin was approached by a friend who thought it was a good idea to use his internet celebrity image to give back to those affected by the recent Madoff Scandel. If you don't know what that is then Google it. This is a gossip blog, not CNN.com. The bids on the auction, which consisted of LUNCH with Justin, soared up to $2,475! Recession? What recession? Justin told us that he did not, and would not, EVER bid on his own auction and YES, we believe him. It was done only for charitable reasons and he is willing to help out other charities in the future. (Jump on that band wagon you little charitable entrepreneurs!)
Keep checking back for Part 3 of our exclusive interview with Justin Ross Lee and as always, keep the tips and comments coming!
As good as its guests
Great reporting. Can't wait for part 3 of my JRL fix.
Met him out and he was about half as obnoxious as I expected but stands out (even in NY) like a huge prick!
It's funny being on the other side, I knew of Justin from seeing him around Hartford, bumping in a few times at 960, but I'm not sure we'd recognize each other outside of there, but until I added him as a facebook friend I had no idea he had the status of having his own gossip column... (LoL) For the haters, Justin's not the prick most people expect, he's loud with his clothing and swagger, but sticks with his private table and entourage of girls he brings and doesn't seem to stay anywhere for too long, but I've never seen him be intentionally rude or demeaning to anyone. Even though he may not notice it, he does have "Fuck Off" stamped on his forehead, but he's still approachable enough. ;)
The writings not bad. The subject of the article is pretty terrible though. Good luck with the blog, it has potential, though next time try using spellcheck!
what a loser who cares
I have a love/ hate relationship with this brilliant/ sicko!
Okay so dont want to come off or sound in anyway demeaning but who is funding this guys $1/2$ mill wardrobe and $20/K week lifestyle? Is this jewberg intelligent enough to make his own shekels to support this over the top lifestyle or is this another classic example of a heir story of Cinderella Boy getting around by means of a bloated Financial Umbilical Cord that has yet to be cut? JewBergSteinOwitz If you are intelligent enough to make this lifestyle for yourself by financial success of your own that by all means live it up!!! If You are throwin shekels around from family genetic success than you just fit in the category of the few lucky 1% like paris hilton, the buffets, & johnson and johnsons documentary of you tube of the lucky 1% livin it up & u cant hat on that either... Live it up throw them Shekels around!!! & think of rollin like Hugh with 3-5 broads instead of 1 everywhere you go.
I'm male, 27, living in NYC... I say this wiht an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality: JRL is the only man i stalk on facebook. Dreidels up to the haters!
Some of these comments are so weird.
JRL is to facebook what American Idol is to Reality TV.
"Haters" take a deep breath, count to 3 and relax. Stop taking things so seriously! If you can't laugh at this guy what do you laugh at!?!?
Grade A douchebag..
Looking at J's page. Why Justin, why are you going to Scottsdale?? It hasn't been even decent looking since the late 90's/early 2000's. Your "friend" Lance seems like he wants to ride your coat tails from Scottsdale to Skanklanta. Break yourself away; you are better then that.
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