Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Ex-Banker Living on Alcohol

Okay, so I currently came across an article in NY MAG about a 24 year old Ex-Banker who is living her life in NYC. I came to the realization that this girl was living a strangely similar life to me and my group of girlfriends (minus the fact she is REALLY in need of morals!)

One part said " 11 p.m.: Head to Dorrian's, where I am immediately greeted by everyone from my New England boarding school fist-pumping to Glory Days. Bliss. I chat with a cute guy and we drunkenly make dinner plans for the next day. He’s in my phone as clubdshottall. "

Who is this girl? I would love to go out and grab drink with her (since we probably have done so 101 times) but, like all my friends do (seems like she desperately needs good friends) I would make sure she gets home ok...and alone!


Anonymous said...

Jessica, I hate to say it but this sounds a bit like you after your break-up. The only difference was you were dating someone else and not going home with random guys...not even your rebound boyfriend

But great blog!

Anonymous said...

I said the same thing after reading this sex diary on daily intel. I must know this girl and if I don't she is def similar to one of my friends.

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