As we all know, our current economy is in a major slump, and job opportunities are at an extreme deficit. So how do we get out of it? We party our way to economic justice! On June 22nd, an organization called the Nightlife Preservation Community (NPC) is hosting a huge launching event over at M2 (formerly known as Mansion). The purpose of this reception is to raise awareness about the challenges that not only affect the nightlife industry, but also the restaurant and bar industry and the many individuals in small businesses that rely on the vibrant night time economy that NYC has to offer. Come meet the owners, operators, employees, entertainers and businesses who help in making NYC nightlife the most prosperous in the country. This event is sure to be a blast, hosted byChloe Sevigny, and Natasha Lyonne, and including famous DJs such as Qtip, Marky Ramone, Junior Vasquez, Danny Krivit, to name a few. Our own Jon Gabel, and Joonbug Productions are helping organize such a launching along with Track Entertainment/ClubPlanet, by gathering lists of over 700,000 Manhattanites who are frequent nightclub attendees.
The NPC itself is supported by and answers to the New York Nightlife Association (NYNA) and the New York State Restaurant Association (NYSRA). Chloe Sevigny, co-chair of the organization and co-host of the event explains that, “Nightlife attracts more patrons than the Yankees, Mets, Rangers, Knicks, Devils, Islanders, Broadway shows, and the opera put together. It [also] generates twice as much revenue as the film industry.” Nightlife provides jobs, produces tax revenue, and attracts plethoric amounts of tourists, but it often finds itself in mindless conflict with groups whose agenda seems to be to sanitize New York—and disregard the immense profitability that the nightlife industry provides. The city needs to recognize and cooperate with this revenue potential, instead of fighting it by shutting down bars quicker than a Red Sox fan getting chased out of a Yankees game.
So, come help preserve NYC nightlife and assist in changing Manhattan’s official nickname from the “Big Apple” to “The City that Never Sleeps!”
When? Mon. June 22, 2009
9pm-1am Guest List Only
1am-4pm Open to the Public
Where? M2
530 W. 28th St.
Tenth and Eleventh Ave
Why? To raise awareness, fight the recession, and party - all at the same time!
Admission is by invitation only; there will be an open bar from 9pm to 1am for all, and food for owners in an exclusive section of the club. For more information and details on obtaining tickets, please visit www.nighlifepreservation.com/
1 comment:
LISTEN UP!! ..anyone who wants to do the coolest thing out there..
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