Wednesday, November 09, 2011

I'm Crazy for Like Crazy

Last Friday was one of those days.

You know- a day where you wake up and your heart just kinda feels funny. Not for any particular reason...

My friends Gracie, Kelly and I decided to go see the movie "Like Crazy."

I went into the movie with high hopes. 
After watching the trailer, I had already left my desk at work weeping like a little child. 

Typically, I don't like to go into a movie knowing anything about it. I rather be pleasantly surprised. However, "Like Crazy" met my expectations... and then some. 

I can honestly say, this might be one of my top ten favorite films. Within minutes of starting, my friends and I were wiping salty tears into the sleeves of our shirts.

The movie was real. When they first meet, you can feel their awkwardness. When they are falling in love, it reminds you of what it feels like to have your heart become open and exposed. The conversations they have, invite you into their relationship... and leave you asking questions for days after leaving the theater.

So should you go see this movie. The answer is yes.

The movie is described as:
While attending college in Los Angeles, Jacob (Anton Yelchin), an American, and Anna (Felicity Jones), who hails from London, fall madly in love. However, the young lovers are forced apart when Anna violates the terms of her visa and must return to England. Jacob and Anna discover the difficulties of maintaining a long-distance relationship in the face of their changing lives. Yet, no matter how often circumstances pull them apart, they always find themselves back together again. -Source

What movies are a must see this month?

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